Monday, August 11, 2008

Canupa @ the Work Day

Hey, Canupa guys!! Mr. J. and I just got back from vacation. We had fun sitting around making regalia! Mr. J. finished two breastplates and I made a bandelier!! You will see them on Thursday night at our first Chapter Meeting for the new school year. I know that you are all excited to go back to school.....not! We had a pretty good turn out at the Work Day/Yanush Chapter Ordeal. We had some members who helped tear out the inside of the staff lounge. Other Canupa members were part of the Bistro Staff. We were excited to use the new kitchen and dining hall at Cherokee, but were surprised to find very few outlets on the walls. Then we found then on the floor under the work tables. All in all, it was a great weekend of cheerful service. Enjoy the pictures!! See you on Thursday night!!