Friday, September 24, 2010

Cedar Creek Cleanup: September 25th

Hey, Canupa!! Tomorrow is the Cedar Creek Cleanup!!! Remember?? We talked about it at the chapter meeting??? You have a flyer with info about it?? Remember?? Just to jog your memory, here's the info again:

We will meet at 8:30 AM at the corner of Hwy. 274 and CR 4023 for registration. The cleanup is 9:20 till 11:30. Water, trash bags, and gloves will be provided. PLEASE wear longs pants and closed toed shoes, preferably hiking boots 'cause we will be walking in tall grass and weeds. After we finish, we are invited to go to Finley Park for free lunch, entertainment, and DOOR PRIZES!! It's lots of fun's our ONE DAY OF SERVICE!!!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Chapter Elections will be October 14th at the chapter meeting!!!

Fall Fellowship 2010!!! Fun! Fun! Fun!

Fall Fellowship was so much fun!! I know the guys had a blast, but since I was in the kitchen cooking the food with the rest of the Bistro staff, I didn't get out to see the fun. However, we did have fun with Easton. He really liked our food!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Canupa's Summer Fun!!!

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More on the Canupa Chapter Ordeal in July

Okay, guys!! Here are the before and after pictures of the bridge to the OA field, so you can really see the big improvement!!! Thanks to all who came and helped!!!